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Project Collaboration Development Process on GitHub/GitLab

The process of collaborating with others to develop projects on GitHub or GitLab


If you see an interesting project on GitHub and want to participate in its development, you generally need to follow a certain process. Here’s a general project collaboration development process.

Of course, this process is not only applicable to GitHub, but also to other code hosting platforms such as GitLab.


  • Git is installed
  • GitHub account is registered

Git settings

  1. Set username and email

    There are two modes for setting the username and email.

    • If you only use one GitHub account, you can set the global username and email.

      git config --global user.name "Your Name"
      git config --global user.email "Your Email"
    • If you have multiple GitHub accounts, you can set the username and email for each Git repository separately.

      cd /path/to/your/repo
      git config user.name "Your Name"
      git config user.email "Your Email"
  2. Login credential management

     After setting the username and email in the previous step, when cloning a repository and every time you `git push`, you need to enter your GitHub username and password, which is very cumbersome. You can use a credential manager to save your username and password.
     - Windows
     If the version number of Git you installed is higher than `2.29`, Git has integrated support for GitHub OAuth. When you first clone a GitHub private repository via HTTPS, Git will prompt you to log in to GitHub using a browser and authorize Git to access your GitHub account. After that, Git will automatically save your GitHub credentials, so you don't need to enter your username and password again.
     - macOS
     You need to install [`Git Credential Manager`](https://github.com/git-ecosystem/git-credential-manager)。You can run the following command in the terminal:
     brew install --cask git-credential-manager
     After installation, when you first clone a GitHub private repository via HTTPS, Git will prompt you to log in to GitHub using a browser and authorize Git to access your GitHub account. After that, Git will automatically save your GitHub credentials, so you don't need to enter your username and password again.

GitHub collaboration development process

Operations on the GitHub website —— Fork

  1. Open the GitHub page of the project you want to participate in, click the Fork button in the upper right corner, and fork the project to your own GitHub account. We call the original project the original repository and the project forked to your own account the Fork repository.

  2. In your GitHub account, find the forked project (i.e., Fork repository), click the Clone or download button, and copy the URL of the project.

Local operations —— Clone

  1. In the terminal on your local machine, switch to the directory where you want to store the project, and run the following command to clone the project to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/project-name.git

    Here, your-username is your GitHub username, and project-name is the name of the project.

  2. Enter the project directory, run the following command to add the original repository as a remote repository.

    git remote add upstream https://github.com/authors-usename/project-name.git

    Here, authors-username is the GitHub username of the author of the original repository, and project-name is the name of the project.

    Then run the following command to check the status of the remote repository.

    git remote -v

    If everything is normal, you will see output similar to the following:

    origin https://github.com/your-username/project-name.git (fetch)
    origin https://github.com/your-username/project-name.git (push)
    upstream https://github.com/authors-username/project-name.git (fetch)
    upstream https://github.com/authors-username/project-name.git (push)

    Here, origin is your Fork repository, and upstream is the original repository.

Local development

  1. In the terminal on your local machine, switch to the project directory, run the following command to create a new branch.

    git checkout -b new-branch-name

    Here, new-branch-name is the name of your new branch, which can be the name of the new feature you want to add, or the name of the bug you want to fix.

  2. In the terminal on your local machine, develop, modify code/add new features/fix bugs. Then run the following command to add the modified files to the staging area and commit them to the local repository.

    git add .
    git commit -m "Your commit message"

    You can also push the changes in the local repository to the Fork repository.

    git push origin new-branch-name
  3. Repeat the operations in step 2 until your new feature/bug fix is complete.

  4. Now we can create a Pull Request, but before creating a Pull Request, to ensure that our new code does not conflict when merged into the original repository, it is best to pull the latest code of the main branch of the original repository, and then merge the latest code of the main branch of the original repository into your new-branch-name branch.

    git checkout main
    git pull upstream main
    git checkout new-branch-name
    git merge main

    When doing this, if there have been new commits to the main branch of the original repository since you started developing the new feature, your new-branch-name branch may have conflicts. You need to resolve these conflicts. After resolving the conflicts, run the following command to add the modified files to the staging area and commit them to the local repository.

    git add .
    git commit -m "Your commit message"

    Then run the following command again to push the modified files to the Fork repository.

    git push origin new-branch-name

    This way, your new-branch-name branch will not have conflicts when merged into the main branch of the original repository.

Operations on the GitHub website —— Pull Request

  1. Open the GitHub page of your Fork repository, click the New pull request button, and create a new Pull Request. Note that if the original repository provides a Pull Request template, you need to fill in the title and content of the Pull Request according to the Pull Request template of the original repository.

  2. Wait for the author of the original repository to review your Pull Request. If necessary, you need to make changes according to the feedback from the author of the original repository.

  3. If the author of the original repository accepts your Pull Request, congratulations, your code will be merged into the original repository.

Local operations —— Update local repository

  1. In the terminal on your local machine, switch to the main branch, run the following command to pull the latest code of the main branch of the original repository to your local machine.

    git checkout main
    git pull upstream main

    You can also use the git fetch upstream main command to check the latest code of the main branch of the original repository, and then use the git merge upstream/main command to merge the latest code of the main branch of the original repository into the main branch of your local machine.

    git fetch upstream main
    git checkout main
    git merge upstream/main

    This way, your local main branch will be synchronized with the main branch of the original repository.

  2. Then you can push the main branch of your local machine to the Fork repository.

    git push origin main
  3. (Optional) If your new-branch-name branch has been merged into the main branch of the original repository, you can delete the new-branch-name branch.

    git branch -d new-branch-name

    You can also delete the remote branch of the new-branch-name branch.

    git push origin --delete new-branch-name

This way, you have completed the work of collaborating with others to add a new feature/fix a bug on GitHub.

Continue to Develop New Features/Fix New Bugs

If you need to continue adding new features/fixing new bugs, you can first synchronize your main branch of the Fork repository with the main branch of the original repository to ensure that you start working from the latest version of the project:

git checkout main
git pull upstream main
git push origin main

Then, you can create a new branch on the main branch to continue developing new features/fixing new bugs.

git checkout -b another-new-branch-name

The subsequent operations are the same as after local development.

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